Your satisfaction is important to us!
With mellitus one you choose a high-quality product that combines design and functionality. If you are not happy with one of our products, we urge you to let us know. This gives us the opportunity to constantly improve our products.
We are always pleased to receive helpful observations, tips and suggestions from parents and customers and we will keep them in mind during the conception of future collections.
Pleased parents and happy T1D kids and grownups are our benchmark. They keep motivating us on a daily basis to give our best and to be a practical support in their lives.
We appreciate YOUR feedback!

Phillipp says:
Because of the band I finally can play, cause I don’t feel the pump anymore.
His parents say:
Philipp is much more relaxt since he wears the JUNIOR BELLY ONE. We actually need more – we hardly get a chance to wash it because he doesn’t want to take it off!

Luisa, 17 years:
I am absolutely excited about the arm guard for the FreeStyle Libre. Even after two days of tournament, the sensor was still in place. I also like the undershirt with the integrated pump bag. It’s perfect for going jogging, without having to worry about disconnecting the pump before. Everything stays where it should be.

Ella, 4 years: I don’t even feel the pump anymore. It’s great!!!
Ella’s mother says: First off, I would like to tell my thanks for the beautifully wrapped and fast delivery. The bands are great, Ella felt really comfortable right away. Her tummy doesn’t ache anymore and she even wears the band during the night.